01908 526294
Our PE days are Thursday and Friday.
Children will need to wear their P.E. kits to school on those days.
Please ensure that your child's earrings are removed or covered with micropore tape.
Homework and spellings are set on a Friday and are due in on the following Wednesday.
We would like the children to read their reading books at home every day if possible but at least three times a week.
It will be the children's responsibility to change their reading book and write the title of their new book in their reading record.
In school, children will be heard read individually at least once a week. However, they will have many other opportunities to read as a class, group or pair during the week.
Library - our library day is Friday. Please can we ask that books are brought to school every week even if your child wishes to keep their book. This way we can monitor books more closely. Thank you!
Because the children may be using the internet at home, we thought we would share the keeping safe on line rules.
Staying Safe Online