01908 526294
Welcome to Squirrel Class
Class Teacher: Miss Bagwell
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Zasada and Mrs Ashok
Cover Teacher: Mrs Campbell
Squirrel Class Information
Class information
P.E. Days - Tuesday and Wednesday
Please ensure the children have their PE kits on when they come to school on that day. As the weather becomes colder the children will need to have warmer clothes including sweatshirts and joggers.
Reading books
As the children arrive in the morning they are asked to get out their reading records. We will check these for any messages.
The children will eventually bring home 3 reading books. One book is a photocopy of the book they are currently reading in their Read Write Inc class. The second book is the 'Read Write Inc Book Bag Book' which reflects what your child has been learning. They will keep this book for 2 weeks to help them with fluency. Some children will change their books every three days and other every 5 days depending on their Read write Inc group
Children who read at least 3 times a week at home, will receive a reading bug each half term.
Because the children may be using the internet at home, we thought we would share the keeping safe on line rules.
Staying Safe Online